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Open Doors & Open Arms

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Help us serve the most vulnerable

Why Give to BDHH?

The patrons that are served by the BDHH are greeted with open doors and open arms. The staff and a multitude of local and national agencies represented within the house, provide a single point of service and support for the most vulnerable of our population. While providing all these services under one roof is efficient and practical for our patrons, it is not without cost.

While initially, the house was built as an emergency shelter, with projections to be full during the coldest, winter months, reality has shown us a different scenario. Bishop Dudley Hospitality House has operated at near capacity during even temperate spring and summer weather. This is a strong indication that the needs of our community are greater than originally thought and hence the budget will become strained very quickly.

On average 179 patrons are served per day and it takes approximately $5,000 per day to operate Bishop Dudley Hospitality House. Please consider a donation of time, in-kind goods or financial resources.